April 1994 was the beginning of the journey towards the “Kung Fu life”, a philosophy of life, a way
to behave towards the world and one’s own essence.

It has been 30 years since the decision to follow an ancestral tradition, perpetuated for six generations, brought understandings that transcended physical spaces and moments dedicated to training. I confess that, in the early days, when talking about my academy – which had no walls to display diplomas and medals, devoid of cutting-edge equipment, and where practice often took place without the traditional uniform, just absorbing the present moment – it was challenging. share this experience with friends, especially in adolescence.
The enthusiasm and conviction that this was the best place to train, the best school you could attend, were not easily understood by everyone. Many passed by without seeing what I saw, but the unshakable faith in the process, like the endless minutes in “Sei Pin Ma”, opened the doors to a deeper understanding of the world, a wisdom that continues to guide me. me.
On the path of the Kung Fu warrior

There are thirty years of continuous learning, from student to disciple, until the immense honor of being recognized as a teacher. Years under the watchful eye of a master who followed every step, and many others under his guidance from a distance. Teaching the tradition that is not seen through ordinary eyes to young people was one of the countless lessons learned.
Without dedication, discipline and faith in the process, the doors to the true training site, the “Nan Tien Men” – which means “Heavenly Gates of the South” – would remain closed. Although the name adorned the t-shirts, only now do I fully understand its meaning; that Association, started in Bolivia by a man who, by a happy chance of fate, met a great Chinese master during a time when he, on a diplomatic trip, was spreading kung fu throughout South America.
The beginning of the path of the Kung Fu warrior
From that contact, warrior spirits recognized each other and the renowned master transformed him into his disciple. A world that was at the time disconnected, without internet or globalization, physically divided, was now interconnected through warlike impetus and the seed of Choy Lee Fut began to germinate outside of China. Fate wanted it that years later, this disciple, now transformed into a master, and one of his students settled in Brazil, more precisely in Rio de Janeiro. Their training attracted the attention of other people and they began to share their knowledge in the traditional way of martial arts with young people, in improvised spaces with few resources, but full of energy, seriousness and dedication that gave true meaning to what is traditional.

The results transcended the trophies won in the championships; they manifested themselves in coexistence, in actions beyond training. After all, true portals open to that which transcends the earthly, visible or tangible. Therefore, the training location has always been the entire world; the sash is not tied around the waist, but rather, kept like a treasure in the heart – that same heart that, for the Chinese, houses the “shen” or spirit, which has always been and always will be the warrior's refuge.
From the teachings in Kung Fu
Because as Sifu Gio (Giovanni Antonietta) said: “To be Kung Fu is to be better at what you set out to do, whether you are a student, teacher, son, student, friend, boyfriend, teacher, etc.”. In other words, the training was never to train for fights in championships, but in fights around the world in the search for a good fight, for what makes each person better not for themselves, but for others. This is how the gates remain open to the heavenly and to what truly matters.

Eternal gratitude to each generation that preceded us, especially to Sikong Poon Sing (in memoriam), for believing in the possibility of making the spirit of kung fu flourish in distant lands. Gratitude to Sifu Poon Way Sanches (@ernestorsan) for his strength and dedication to Kung Fu, for preserving the precious teachings of Sikong. My thanks also to Sifu Giovanni Antonietta (@great_leopard) for sharing his time with a group of tireless teenagers and for continuing, often alone, to spread Choy Lee Fut and the legacy of Poon Sing and Poon Way. You are more than examples; They are warriors and references in a world that, even in the context of martial arts, often sees money and ego take precedence over integrity and respect for the path.
A thank you also to parents, wives, children and all those who, out of love or respect, understand or at least respect what is so sacred to us.
"Tomorrow will be better!"